Home > Brooklyn Neighborhoods > Caton Park Brooklyn New York

Caton Park Brooklyn New York

By Accord Real Estate Group

Zip Code 11226

Caton Park located in Victorian Flatbush,  South of Prospect Park Parade Ground and North of Prospect Park South . 

Neighborhood boundaries

Neighborhood boundaries are Caton Avenue to the north, Church Avenue to the south, Coney Island Avenue to the West and Buckingham Road to the East.  The streets included in Caton Park are East 10th Street, Stratford Road, Westminster Road, Argyle Road, Rugby Road, Marlborough Road and Buckingham Road.

There are approximately 50 homes in Caton Park. Caton Park was developed between 1902 and 1909 by John Sawkins, Edward Strong and William A.A. Brown.

Some examples of real estate prices in today's market are:

For a one family home, prices range from $1.5M to $2.9M. For a Coop apartment prices range from $235,000 for a studio apt to $380,000 for a 2 bedroom apartment.

Brooklyn New York Real Estate listings

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Caton Park Brooklyn Real Estate

Get expert advice on how to sell your home or investment property in Caton Park Brooklyn New York.  Learn about the current, top market value of your property. Free property evaluation. Please email Jeff Grandis - Brooklyn realtor - at jeff@accreg.com or call at 917-804-3198. It is now a fact that families from all five New York City boroughs especially from Manhattan, are seeking to buy a home in Brooklyn, NY because Brooklyn is no longer an alternative, it is the 1st and best choice in where to buy.