Home > Brooklyn Neighborhoods > Beverly Square West Brooklyn New York

Beverly Square West Brooklyn New York

By Accord Real Estate Group

Zip Code 11226

Beverly Square West is one of the premier sub neighborhoods in historic and architecturally significant Victorian Flatbush.

In 1898 architect Thomas Benton Ackerson purchased Catherine Lott's farm and named it Beverly Square West. Mr. Ackerson pursued his dream and of building a community of large spacious homes with no two alike. Trademark Ackerson homes featured windows and large columns with ornamental trim and paneling, beamed ceilings and carved mantels. The Beverly Squares were Ackerman's major project. His own home was in Beverly Square West at 304 Marlborough Road (built in 1903).

Neighborhood Boundaries

Located southwest of Prospect Park, Beverly Square West and Beverly Square East extend from Beverly Road in the north (south of Prospect Park South), to Cortelyou Road in the south, the cut of the BMT Brighton subway line between Marlborough Road (East 15th Street) and East 16th Street forms the boundary between them. Beverly Square East extends from there to East 19th Street and Beverly Square West from there to Stratford Road or Argyle Road.

The price range for single family homes in the Beverly Squares range from under $2M to just under $3M.

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Beverly Square West Brooklyn Real Estate

Get expert advice on how to sell your home or investment property in Beverly Square West Brooklyn New York. Learn about the current, top market value of your property. Free property evaluation. Please email Jeff Grandis - Brooklyn realtor - at jeff@accreg.com or call at 917-804-3198. It is now a fact that families from all five New York City boroughs especially from Manhattan, are seeking to buy a home in Brooklyn, NY because Brooklyn is no longer an alternative, it is the 1st and best choice in where to buy.