Home > Brooklyn Neighborhoods > Marine Park Brooklyn New York

Marine Park Brooklyn New York

By Accord Real Estate Group
ZIP Codes 11229 and 11234

Marine Park is home to Brooklyn largest green space (park), also named Marine Park. Marine Park Brooklyn New York Real Estate was part of the original town of Flatlands. Marine Park Brooklyn New York housing construction began during the 1920's and 1930's. Most of Marine Park Brooklyn New York's early homes were single family houses with driveways. Many of the properties in Marine Park Brooklyn New York have been passed from generation to generation. Marine Park Brooklyn New York has an abundance of educational and recreational facilities, i.e. The Nature Trail and Environmental Center, Brooklyn's largest golf course and fields for baseball and football. Marine Park Brooklyn New York houses are in the price range of $400,000's-$800,000's. Marine Parkway Bridge, a toll bridge spanning Rockaway Inlet, links Brooklyn at Flatbush Avenue with Jacob Riis Park on the Rockaway peninsula. It also connects with Rockaway Beach Boulevard and Beach Channel Drive, which run through the seashore resorts. The Marine Parkway Bridge has three spans, each providing a channel 500 feet wide. The structure has an overall length of 4,022 feet. At the center is a 540-foot lift span, with a clearance of 55 feet when lowered and 150 feet when raised. The two flanking spans provide a clearance of 50 feet above mean high water. The bridge was built by the Marine Parkway Authority in 1936-7 at a cost of six million dollars (including the parkway). Consulting engineers were Madigan-Hyland, Wadell and Hardesty, and Robinson and Steinman. The consulting architect was Aymar Embury II.

Neighborhood Boundaries

From Nostrand Avenue and Gerritsen Avenue on the west to Flatbush Avenue on the east, from Flatlands Avenue or, sometimes, Kings Highway, on the north to Avenue U and Avenue V on the south. Source Reference: Wikipedia

Brooklyn New York Real Estate listings

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Marine Park Brooklyn Real Estate

Selling or buying home or investment property in Marine Park Brooklyn New York? Learn about the current, top market value of your property. Get a free property evaluation. Please email Jeff Grandis - Brooklyn New York realtor - at jeff@accreg.com or call at 917-804-3198. It is now a fact that families from all five New York City boroughs especially from Manhattan, are seeking to buy a home in Brooklyn, NY because Brooklyn is no longer an alternative, it is the 1st and best choice in where to buy. For information about schools in Marine Park Brooklyn, NY please click on the following link: Schools for Marine Park Brooklyn, NY 11229 and 11234. Click here for Listed Properties in Marine Park Brooklyn, NY 11229 and 11234