Home > Brooklyn Neighborhoods > Cypress Hills Brooklyn New York

Cypress Hills Brooklyn New York

By Accord Real Estate Group

Zip Codes 11207, 11208 and 11239

At times considered a part of East New York , Cypress Hills has a interesting past and a bright future. Cypress Hills was settled in the early 1700's as a part of New Lots of the town of Flatbush. Early signs of development included the construction of Jamaica Plank road and Fulton Street in the early 1800's. By 1835 the first building lots were sold on Eldert Lane and extending south from Jamaica Plank Road. In 1839 the East New York Dutch Reformed Church was built at Fulton Street and New Jersey Avenue in 1839. Shortly thereafter, the Long Island Railroadegan to serve the area with a line called the Great Eastern Railroad. As reaching Cypress Hills via public transportation became easy, residents were attracted to the area. What followed was the construction of detached houses and the commercial development of Atlantic Avenue.

In 1852 the town of New Lots, which encompassed Cypress Hills was incorporated. In 1886 the City of Brooklyn annexed the town of New Lots, including what is now Cypress Hills. Soon thereafter, the neighborhood developed rapidly into a thriving suburban area. Paved streets and sewers were laid. Trolleys began to roll along Jamaica Plank Road and two family detached residences were built. Soon after the turn of the century, row houses were contructed throughout Cypress Hills. By the early 1920's almost every block in the neighborhood was filled with houses, and by the mid 1920's apartments were being constructed over Fulton street stores, creating mixed use buildings in the neighborhood. During the 1930's, the population of the area doubled. Today, Cypress Hills looks much as it did during the bustling 1930's.

Some examples of real estate prices in Cypress Hills Brooklyn New York in today's market are:

For a single family home the price range is from $525,000 to $885,000 and for a Multi family building the price range is from $650,000 to $1.4M.

Neighborhood Boundaries

From the intersection of Fulton Street, Jamaica Avenue and Broadway on the West to Eldert Lane and the Queens County border on the East, from Jackie Robinson Parkway on the North to Atlantic and North Conduit Avenues on the South.

Brooklyn New York Real Estate listings

To browse through real estate listings - Residential, commercial and investment properties, Co-op apartments and Condos, new developments, mixed use buildings, brownstones and townhouses, raw land, vacant lots, to check home and house values and compare the prices of houses by Neighborhood click on Listed Properties.

Cypress Hills Brooklyn Real Estate

Get expert advice on how to sell your home or investment property in Cypress Hills Brooklyn New York. Learn about the current, top market value of your property. Free property evaluation. Please email Jeff Grandis - Brooklyn realty - at jeff@accreg.com or call at 917-804-3198. It is now a fact that families from all five New York City boroughs especially from Manhattan, are seeking to buy a home in Brooklyn, NY because Brooklyn is no longer an alternative, it is the 1st and best choice in where to buy.