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By Accord Real Estate Group

Sunset Park Industrial Zone In Transition

July 7th 2016
Tags: Real Estate News, Brooklyn Real Estate

Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn NY is located West of the Gowanus Expressway and totals 16 buildings.

The transition of this area took a big leap forward in 2013 when developer Jamestown began reinventing and adapting these buildings for the demands of today’s economy with a projected $1B budget.

Today, nearly 4,000 people work in Industry City in office space for creative and tech companies as well as food vendors to feed the hungry office workers.  Andrew Kimball, chief executive of Industry City points out that “4,000 people is twice the number of a couple of years ago”.

You can see more evidence of this up and coming industrial zone just south of Industry City toward the Brooklyn Army Terminal at 4913 Second Avenue, on the corner of 50th Street.

Developer Yi Hui Rong is planning a 9 story Hotel and Medical Office project. The Hotel will be 20,027 square feet and the Medical space 22,575 square feet. The Hotel will have 70 rooms/suites plus a meeting room, laundry, breakfast lounge and fitness room. An 18 car garage is also planned for this building. The architect is Chang Hwa. 

If you are planning to sell your Brooklyn property, whether a residential property, a commercial building, mixed use, multifamily, vacant land, co-op or condominium or a development opportunity, call us. You will be very happy that you did.

Thank you.

Accord Real Estate Group